
Here’s how it works

I’m somewhat notorious for telling stories, gossip, facts, and the like with a surplus of extra details. It can be so hard to figure out what people are going to find most interesting some times!

Let’s say you had an amazing weekend in a foreign location and your friends are just dying to know all about it. Surely you’re gunna want to give them the full scoop, but when does this become toooo much?

With writing this can be a little different. You’re not being interrupted with questions (related or not). It’s not like your audience is going to stop reading and ask you for an elaboration, or worse yet, a clarification. 

With that said, let’s just see what happens.

Sincerely, (and yes, I really do mean that)



An old English Statue towers above the life below

An old English Statue towers above the life below.

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